2021 转学生入学考试开放报名
1. 请至 https://bit.ly/STTSS2021Transfer 下载并列印报名表格
2. 填妥表格并签名
3. 将表格及附件发送至 admission@sttss.edu.my
A. 签妥的申请表格(学生、家长及原学校训导处签名)
B. 身份证件扫描
C. 2017至2020年的学业成绩单
D. 其他相关资料
(使用CamScanner/Office Lens或其他扫描app,储存为pdf)


2021 Transfer Student Entrance Examination registration is now open.
1. Please go to https://bit.ly/STTSS2021Transfer to download and print out the application form.
2. Fill in the form.
3. After filling in, kindly confirm / attach the followings before returning the form by email to admission@sttss.edu.my
A. Signed application form (by the student, parent and Head of School Discipline).
B. Scanned ID.
C. Academic transcripts from 2017 to 2020.
D. Other related attachments.
(Use CamScanner/Office Lens or other scanning app to save documents as pdf)

Please specify: [Transfer Examination Registration]_Student Name