老师想说 #34

信件主旨:《Some Tips to Learn Science》

寄件人: Mr. Poong Man Chung

Personally, I consider myself as a kind teacher. I always do my best to make it easier for students to learn Science so that learning is not a burden. I call it Smart Learning Methods 1, 2.

Method 1: Making Connections. In this method, you make connections to help you to remember. Example 1: Electrolysis of Water – Hydrogen gas is given at the cathode but not at the anode. How to remember? That’s easy. Cathode has the letter ‘h' but not anode and h = hydrogen. Example 2: Seed Germination – The radicle becomes seed root. Just remember, radicle starts with ‘r’ and r = root. Example 3: Structure of Flower - The male part is stamen with "men" spells at the end, and pistil is the female part with 1st letter p = perempuan. Got it?

Method 2: Making sentences. Examples 1: To remember the 5 layers of the atmosphere from top to bottom, use this sentence: Every (Exosphere) Teacher (Thermosphere) Makes (Mesosphere) Students (Stratosphere) Think (Troposphere). Example 2: To remember the 8 planets of the Solar System (in increasing distance from the Sun), use this sentence: Mary's (Mercury) Very (Venus) Eccentric (Earth) Mother (Mars) Just (Jupiter) Sent (Saturn) Us (Uranus) Nuts (Neptune). I am sure you have noticed the same first letter of each word in both examples e.g. Mother (Mars). You can also make your own sentences to help you remember if you like. So, my dear students, learning is not difficult if you learn to use the Smart Learning Methods to help you remember.